Poker is Coming: A Bilingual Campaign for Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto

Poker is Coming

A Bilingual Campaign for Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto

Introduction: This case study focuses on a project undertaken to launch our newest commercial video capabilities for Great Canadian Entertainment and it’s newest property, Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto. Rising Sun Media created a fun and visually ‘snazzy’ video that would effectively promote the client’s upcoming offering of Poker, engage their target audience, and drive increased occupancy leading up to the opening. Great Canadian Entertainment has been Rising Sun Media’s client since 2013.

Client Background: The casino client, known as “Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto,” is Canada’s newest and largest casino destination. With a wide range of gaming options, luxurious accommodations, world-class restaurants, and captivating live entertainment, the client aimed to maintain their position as the only casino offering Live Poker in Toronto.

Challenges: Be artful without interrupting Great Canadian’s current strong brand image. Be resourceful in our production.

Objectives: a. Expand the brand ecosystem: Develop a bilingual, visually appealing video that aligns with the casino’s brand identity – focus on pop and simplicity. b. Showcase Video Service: Showcase our set production design, video capabilities and storytelling expertise. c. Repurpose Video for Print and Digital: The video will be part of the same print and digital campaign.

Strategy and Implementation: a. Creative Concept Development: To achieve their goal of creating awareness and excitement for the arrival of Poker, we looked to Wes Anderson’s films and its colour schemes for a source of inspiration. We chose Mauve as a pop colour, as it contrasted well with Great Canadian’s blue brand primary colour.

Results and Benefits: a. The new video gained positive feedback from Key Executives and Head Marketing personnel within Great Canadian Entertainment during production and launch. b. Increased visibility: from day 1. c. Expanded Video Capabilities: Through the project, Rising Sun Media’s in-house production team gained valuable experience and knowledge, setting us up to create future videos.

Conclusion: No more hiding our ‘poker face’. We took content creation into our own hands out of the dissatisfaction of current stock video and photos for this important launch for our long-time client.

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